# alice chikara - a [[person]]. - [[tech]] - [[twitter]] https://twitter.com/doOwnDD - [[lucid]] [[fairmint]] ## [[2021-10-23]] - [[san francisco]] [[oxford]] - [[digital nomad]] - [[capital markets]] - [[information discovery]] [[collaborative learning]] - interested in [[agora]] cooperation/convergence - there is so much content being produced; knowledge content in particular - on a macro level: - information overload - content explosion - twitter - substack - no way to discover, manage and learn from it in a collaborative way - -> [[lucid]] - [[collaborative learning]] - [[annotations]] - on a micro level: - you might need to cater to a community / build for them - then there are domain specific concerns - let's say you have [[product managers]], [[engineers]] trying to do collaborative learning - in stack overflow there are no checked sources - [[lucid]] has a [[database]] of reliable resources - example: SCs for companies provides the database as the mvp is about capital markets - [[twitter]] - [[thread helper]] - what if this approach could be extended to link to other (domain specific) databases - [[annotations]] - [[hypothesis]] - [[memex]] - [[agora]] - [[agora search]] - [[go links]] - Alice uses [[notion]] - tried [[hypothesis]] but didn't like the UX too much - search is meh - twitter search is also broken - lucid tries to have better search - tried [[memex]], better UX, unsure about their approach to profit/open source - Alice's vision: give equity to the community - [[exit to community]] - [[next time]] / discuss: - [[codex]] - [[leah houston]] - [[digital gardeners]] - shared [[directories]] - higher level knowledge federation / [[agora]] - [[flancia collective]] - 0@flancia.org